Štěpán - sušená cibule

Ingredients: yellow onion, chopped onion or yellow onion, red onion, leek

You can use the Štěpán mixture universally to prepare dishes that require onions as a base. It is best when marinating all types of meat intended for baking. With our mixture, you save time with preparation.
Our tip: let the mixture soak in water (or varnish) for a few minutes and use it fresh.

Gluten-free, lactose-free, without dyes and preservatives.

The mixture may contain traces of celery.

Country of origin: Czech Republic

Packaged in a 50g doypack. Store in a dark and dry place.

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Starting at 45.00 Kč

I tato směs sušené cibule pro vás byla čerstvě nadrcena a namíchána, aby se za vámi dostala voňavá. Balena v doypack sáčku nebo skle, abychom zajistili trvanlivost barvy a vůně.